Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
By: 6 Eyes Studio, Fulqrum Publishing
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is a turn-based tactical RPG with a focus on storytelling and strategic battles. Unfold a mature story as you progress through hand-crafted scenarios, controlling your own group of Arbiters, with each character customizable from a wide selection of classes and abilities!

How much money did Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark make?

We estimate that Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark made $1,134,375.48in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $334,640.77. Refer to the revenue table for a full breakdown of these numbers.
Gross Revenue
Adj. Regional Pricing
Steam Cut
VAT / Sales Tax
Net Revenue