STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™

STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™
By: LucasArts, Lucasfilm, Disney
You are the leader of an elite squad of Republic Commandos, your mission is to infiltrate, dominate, and ultimately, annihilate the enemy. Your squad will follow your orders and your lead, working together as a team - instinctively, intelligently, instantly. You are their leader. They are your weapon.

How much money did STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™ make?

We estimate that STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™ made $5,997,476.52in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $1,769,255.57. Refer to the revenue table for a full breakdown of these numbers.
Gross Revenue
Adj. Regional Pricing
Steam Cut
VAT / Sales Tax
Net Revenue