D3DGear - Game Recording and Streaming Software

D3DGear - Game Recording and Streaming Software
By: D3DGear Technologies
D3DGear is a fast game recording and live streaming software for PC. It allows users to record gameplay to video; or stream the game to websites like twitch.tv. Our software is designed to have minimal impact on game performance, and won’t make the game lag or decrease FPS.

How much money did D3DGear - Game Recording and Streaming Software make?

We estimate that D3DGear - Game Recording and Streaming Software made $270,822.60in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $79,892.67. Refer to the revenue table for a full breakdown of these numbers.
Gross Revenue
Adj. Regional Pricing
Steam Cut
VAT / Sales Tax
Net Revenue