Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
By: IDEA FACTORY Co., Ltd., COMPILE HEART Co., Ltd., FELISTELLA Co., Ltd., Idea Factory International, Inc.
Packed with fast-paced, turn-based RPG action, fourth-wall-breaking, trope-demolishing dialogue, and more item, weapon, and costume customization than you can shake a Lvl. 1 Stick at, Gamindustri is a world set on turning the concept of the JRPG on its head!

How much money did Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 make?

We estimate that Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 made $5,290,630.56in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $1,560,736.02. Refer to the revenue table for a full breakdown of these numbers.
Gross Revenue
Adj. Regional Pricing
Steam Cut
VAT / Sales Tax
Net Revenue