5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel
By: Conor Petersen, Thunkspace, LLC
It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past!

How much money did 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel make?

We estimate that 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel made $2,895,441.12in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $854,155.13. Refer to the revenue table for a full breakdown of these numbers.
Gross Revenue
Adj. Regional Pricing
Steam Cut
VAT / Sales Tax
Net Revenue